Saturday, December 24, 2005

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Let it Snow

I saw Snow on my way into work this morning. This cartoon seemed appropriate.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Stolen Memories

CNN has published my favorite list from the National Insurance Crime Bureau of the year...the most stolen cars. The winner (or Loser) for 2004 was the 1995 Honda Civic. Remember to check these lists when choosing which car to buy and park in front of your downtown apartment building.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Cry a Tear for New York

New York has lost and icon. No, not a major building or political leader, but a great man who has had an effect on New York Sports since 1930. Wellington Mara the Owner of the New York Giants (Football) died today. Mr. Mara had owned the Giants since his Father game them to he and his brother in 1930. Wellington Mara was perhaps the most respected owner in professional football and always was a voice of reason. I am a Jets fan, but will miss Mr. Marra very much.

Friday, October 07, 2005

What's up with that???

I have been annoyed by a certain driving technique that many people seem to employ that I just don't understand. Why do drivers who are turning left from one street into another or into a parking lot pull to the right first? This morning on my way into work, I was driving on a road with 2 lanes in each direction and the person in the left lane was turning left into a gas station and had pulled to the right so far, that he was actually over the white line and into the right hand lane some. I could see it if the driver needed to avoid something, but this was not the case. He was just making a simple left turn. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to use this as a lesson in patience.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The reason for less posts to this blog lately is that I am now a regular contributer on another blog.

Stop by and see what I and others have decided to post.

New Treo to be Windows Mobile, Not Palm

The new Treo will be released with Windows Mobile software instead of Palm. This is a huge blow to Palm software as a whole. Basically, every profesional that I know who uses their smartphone for work either has a Treo or a blackberry. Becuase of this Palm software was able to maintain an important foothold in the PDA market. With this decision, we are probably going to see the end of the Palm operating software.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Marv the Great

I was reading through an opinion piece on the New Jersey Nets of the NBA moving to Brooklyn and it had this interesing piece of information.

"Marv Albert, former voice of the Knicks, is already on board, signed to call games on the Yes Network."

I had not heard this before, but this is a coup for the Nets. Marv Albert is the premiere basketball announcer of his generation. I like Ian Eagle who he is replacing, but when you can get the best, you have to do it. Looks like lots of NBA fans in the New York area will be watching the Nets just to hear Marv's voice.

Monday, September 12, 2005

New Cast Members Being Added to Saturday Night Live

It was announced today that Saturday Night Live, the popular late night television show on NBC will add two "Featured Players" for the upcoming season. They are: Bill Hader and Andy Samberg. These actors are sure to have a great opporunity to act this year as 2 current cast memebers, Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph will both go on Maternity leave for part of the upcoming season.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

iPod so small it Hurts...the competition

Apple Released a new iPod yesterday that is called the iPod Nano. It is as thin as a pencil and can hold either 500 or 1000 songs. (2gig or 4gig) The iPod is being released in both white and black colors. I have an iPod already, but am seriously tempted to buy this tiny piece of greatness.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Roberts Hearings Begin Monday

The Senate hearings to confirm John Roberts as the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will begin Monday September 12th. Now, let's see if the hearings can remain civil.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Evolution of Humor

Foxtrot weighs in on the evolution debate. :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Computer Saves drowning Girl

A girl who was swimming in a public pool in Great Britain was saved when a computer monitoring program sense that there was someone at the bottom of the pool who was not moving. The program then notified a Lifeguard who could not see the girl through a crowd of people in the pool.

Europe, the forgotten middle child of the technology family

European gamers were finally able to get their hands on Playstation Portables yesterday. The release of the PSP in Europe had been delayed 5 months due to lack insufficient supply of the units. I got mine on the release date here in the USA. Once again, this is a reason I am happy to be an American.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Boys Will Be Boys...Forever

A new study suggests that the male "Y" Chromosome has not degenerated over the past 6 million years. This is good news for those of us who like a species with more than one gender. I can't help but think "If men disappeared, wouldn't procreation be less fun?"

Monday, August 29, 2005

Shoes... Engage

Looking for a cool space-age running shoe? Try the Reebok Pump 2.0 Wrapshear. It automatically pumps up to 5psi when you turn it on and conforms to your foot. Check it out.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Don't give me a bad name.

A Church group in Tennessee decided to protest at a funeral for soldiers killed during the Iraq war. They weren't protesting anything that these soldiers did, but were protesting the war in general and say that the reason that soldiers are dying in this war is becuase the USA harbors and supports Homsexuals. Now I'm a Christan and believe that to practice Homosexuality is wrong, but this kind of protest is wrong on many levels. The most obvious one is that these soldiers and families have noting to do with America's treatment of homosexuality. These soldiers weren't gay and their families weren't protesting for more homosexual rights. Please remember that when you do something in the name of Christ, you are representing not just yourself, but God and other Christians as well.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sony PSP Firmware 2.0 Released in the US

Sony has now released the 2.0 version of firmware for the Sony PSP in the United States. I actually downloded it to mine last night and had no problems yet. I tried out the Web browser on CNN's website and it seems to work well, but it will take some getting used to for how it navigates the site.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

NCAA Reverses Decision. Seminoles are OK.

In a reversal from its earlier decision, the NCAA stated today that Florida State University may use the nickname "Seminoles" in Post-Season Play. They cited the universitie's relationship with the Seminole tribe as the main reason for the reversal. Since the Seminole tribe has a good relationship with the university and even helps with the planning of events like halftime shows, the NCAA decided that the term "Seminole" is not offensive to Native Americans.

You're one heck of a Dish

The company that owns Dish Network is offering one town the chance of a lifetime. Change their town's name to DISH and earn free Dish network TV for all of its residents for 10 year. This is an inventive marketing campaign. I can only hope that next year I'm working next to DISH, Connecticut instead of Bridgeport.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Oops... I did it again

Remember the name Lawrence Phillips? He was a high draft pick in the NFL not too long ago, but ended up quickly out of the league because of legal problems that just kept on coming up. Well, he has now allegedly run his car into a group of teens who he had just finished playing a pickup football game with. The report states that at the end of their time together he got into an argument with the teens and left and returned and tried to run them down. He was already wanted by the police for domestic abuse of his girlfriend whom he chocked till she was unconscious. This is a man who needs to be locked up for good and never released again. He has had many chances and has given no indication that he can be rehabilitated.

Why Binge when you can savor and sip?

Well it's that time of year again. The time for students to return to college and continue their academic pursuits. For many students this means "Its time to return and party.". USA Today had up an article on drinking at colleges today which made me wonder. "Why do people have to binge drink?" I understand the idea of drinking alcohol to loosen your inhibitions if you feel like you are took uptight, but why would anyone drink to the point that they can't remember what went on the morning after? Some people are alcoholics and can't help it, but for most students, they can contorl themselves if they want to. I know some will answer saying that many drink because they want to be cool. Or they drink becuase they want to experience everything in college and that is part of the experience. But what guy thinks a girl who can't remember what she did last night is attractive or Sexy? Guys who can't remember are thought of as a stumbling boob who is to be laughed at and with. A girl who can't remember is not thought of fondly. She is either out of control or a skank.

Thanks for listening to my ranting today.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Army or Baseball? Why not both?

The army has instituted a new policy allowing officers who have graduated West Point to only serve 2 years of their 5 year commitment if they can prove that by leaving active duty they can serve in another important recruiting role. This new policy is aimed at athletes who would otherwise have no chance at a professional sports career if they were forced to serve their entire 5 year obligation. (Thus making them a 27 year old rookie and perceived to be too old to invest time in by a profesional sports league.) Only one person has had their application accepted and his story can be found here. There are other stipulations in this policy which I encourage you to read in the story above.

Rockets aim for US ships in Port

CNN is reporting that 3 rockets were fired at US ships in a Jordanian port. The rockets were fired from a warehouse rented by 4 people with Iraqi and Egyptian roots. No US personel were injured, but one Jordanian was killed and one injured. Unfortunately, these types of events don't help us to trust Arab people, because of the actions of some in their communities.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

USA residency in Demand

What ever happened to those people who were going to leave America when George Bush was re-elected? Does anyone out there actually know of one person who followed through? Well if anyone wants to leave, it seems that 40% of the Mexican poplulation would like to switch places with those Americans.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Congratulations Lefty

It wasn't long ago that Phil Mickelson was considered the best golfer that couldn't win a major. Well today, he wrapped up his second major with a win at the PGA Championship. Let's give Phil his due. He is one of the greatest golfers on the earth, even if he isn't as good as Tiger Woods.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

New PSP Firmware released in Japan...includes web browser

I was just reading on and there is an article up that reviews the new Sony PSP Firmware that has been released in Japan. This firmware upgrade includes a web browser that can even use Java. I can't wait for this upgrade to come to the USA.

Friday, August 12, 2005

And now for something funny

Here is something fun to help bring us into the weekend on a good note.

Ouch!!! Poor Mets

In the Mets game last night Mike Cameron and Carlos Beltran collided as they both dove for a ball in right center field. Cameron suffered fractures to both cheek bones and his nose. Beltran was less seriously hurt, but still has an injured shoulder. We should all give thanks that Mike Cameron did not end up with a neck or spinal cord injury.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Please name your college sports team after me

The NCAA in a horrible decision recently decided that colleges can no longer show any images or nicknames that have to do with Native Americans in their post season tournaments. So teams like Florida State, Utah and others are defacto being forced to change their mascots and nicknames. Finally Governor Jeb Bush has decided to fight this Madness. I wonder what the BCS would do if FLorida State was ranked Number 1 and said that they were going to bring their mascot to the Bowl game for the Championship?

Lets Talk Turkey

I saw this funny sight when I got to work this morning. A turkey was standing in front of our neighbor's door, trying to communicate with her reflection in the glass. She was "gobbling" and bobbing her head. It was quite funny.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Cheerleaders should be hired as Police Chiefs

After witnessing a hit and run accident, some cheerleaders used the skills they practice every day to help police identify the culprit. Their coach ran down the street and yelled back the license plate number which the cheerleaders then chanted repeatedly until the cops showed up. Let's give credit where it is due. Cheerleaders are not just easy on the eyes. They can also be an important part of law enforcement. Now, lets just figure out how they can be used in the War on Terror.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Reds Organization sets example of how sports can help during a tragedy

Cincinnati Reds players and staff helped out a boy whose grandfather died during a recent game. They took care of the boy in the bullpen and in the clubhouse until the boys family was able to drive to the stadium. This ia a good example of how sports teams can set an example of kindness to our whole society.

Kate Hudson- "Cheat on me, its OK."

In a recent interview with Access hollywood Kate Hudson said that she didn't believe that Monogomy was "realistic". She went on to say that she would not stray from her husband, but didn't want to know if he did stray. He only advice was "Don't get caught." Go on, someone tell me that her attitudes about relationships weren't screwed uip by her Mom (Ms. Hawn) living with boyfriend Kurt Russel for basically Kate's entire life.

Light or Heavy? Which is better for a bat

Always wanted to know whether you were better off swinging a heavy or light bat in baseball and softball? So did I. I found the answer in this article from The Straight Dope. Enjoy

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

How do I do that?

Want to know how to do something? Just go to which is brought to you by Google. You can find out how to do hoem repairs. Get softball batting tips. You can even get relationship help. This is a fun site to browse or search with a purpose.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Star Wars Episode 3 DVD Release Date Set

E! Television news reported last night that the release date for Star Wars Epsode 3 on DVD will be November 1st. The DVD will include movie and 2 new featurettes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Baseball Stats for Free

Want to know who led the Yankees in batting in 1982? Who had the best ERA on the Phillies pitching staff in 2001? All these facts and more can be found at Baseball This site is great for those of us who grew up following obscure players like Wally Whitehurst and Jeff Innis of the Mets or Roberto Kelly and Steve Balboni of the Yankees.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Christian Games coming to XBox 360 and Playstation 3

Found this interesting article on the Video Game industry and its slow move toward producing Christian games. With games based on the Left Behind books already in production we are sure to see a surge in Bible based games.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Fire at Middlebrook School

There was a fire at Middlebrook School in Trumbull yesterday. WICC is reporting that the fire was started accidently on the roof on the new building being built behind the main building. There are no known fatalities, but several fire fighters were suffering from exhaustion after fighting the fire. Pray that the fire fighters will be alright and that the town will be able to do their investigation quickly so that the school can be ready for children in September.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Some dogs are just too cute

My Dog Biscuit is just too cute not to have any pictures posted on this Blog

Finish your dessert and you can play some games

Looking for some free fun? Well, why not check out Nabisco's Online Game World.? Here you will find games that can be played on your computer without having to download any software. There are many types includeing sports and arcade games. Enjoy!

Short in length, not in stature

Interested in researching a short term missions trip? Why not check out short term Here you can find helpful information on planning a missions trip and important questions to ask before going on a missions trip. Click the link below for more information.

Friday, May 20, 2005

The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul

Douglas Adams penned this title for one of his books and I think it describes the way many of us have felt for periods of time in our life. For some, these times may last a few hours. While for others these times last for years. This got me thinking about songs that remind Christians of what we have and what we are living for. The following five songs are ones that I recommend every Christian have on their iPod or Archos music players. (Songs are listed as title, followed by the group who performed it.)

  1. Wonderfully Made- The Waiting
  2. In the First Light- Glad
  3. Walk Toward the Light- Greg X Volz
  4. Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns
  5. He Will Carry Me- Mark Shultz

The first song “Wonderfully Made” is the song that I have woken up to every morning for over a year.. What better way is there to start the day than to be reminded that God made you special and he loves you very much.

(Feel free to suggest some other good songs in the comments area for this post.)

Thursday, April 28, 2005

It has to begin somewhere

The Chairman finally has a voice on the web. We shall see what this site become and what direction it chooses to go in.