The NCAA in a horrible decision recently decided that colleges can no longer show any images or nicknames that have to do with Native Americans in their post season tournaments. So teams like Florida State, Utah and others are defacto being forced to change their mascots and nicknames. Finally Governor Jeb Bush has decided to fight this Madness. I wonder what the BCS would do if FLorida State was ranked Number 1 and said that they were going to bring their mascot to the Bowl game for the Championship?
I wonder how long until some enterprising company gets the idea to create their own college sports alliance that bypassed the NCAA entirely? It is one thing to put requirements that help students. It is another to set a policy over issues which are simply not your business.
With more and more decisions like this and the NIT calling the NCAA a monopoly it's only a matter of time before the NCAA becomes a dying organization. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
As for FSU not going to a bowl game - I wouldn't be saddened - but it would be bad for the sport. I doubt the BCS and the NCAA will withstand the pressure to change this ruling.
The FSU Chairmen?
I'd like it, but somehow I think those who lost money in the ENRON and WorldCom scandals wouldn't.
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