Monday, August 22, 2005

Why Binge when you can savor and sip?

Well it's that time of year again. The time for students to return to college and continue their academic pursuits. For many students this means "Its time to return and party.". USA Today had up an article on drinking at colleges today which made me wonder. "Why do people have to binge drink?" I understand the idea of drinking alcohol to loosen your inhibitions if you feel like you are took uptight, but why would anyone drink to the point that they can't remember what went on the morning after? Some people are alcoholics and can't help it, but for most students, they can contorl themselves if they want to. I know some will answer saying that many drink because they want to be cool. Or they drink becuase they want to experience everything in college and that is part of the experience. But what guy thinks a girl who can't remember what she did last night is attractive or Sexy? Guys who can't remember are thought of as a stumbling boob who is to be laughed at and with. A girl who can't remember is not thought of fondly. She is either out of control or a skank.

Thanks for listening to my ranting today.


Sean said...

Good rant, I completely agree. Then again, I had a terrific college experience without drinking - with the best roommate ever - so why would I need to drink anyway.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Who needs a drink when you have a great roomate.

Anonymous said...

Sean had the best roommate ever for his senior year, anyway!