Friday, August 19, 2005

Army or Baseball? Why not both?

The army has instituted a new policy allowing officers who have graduated West Point to only serve 2 years of their 5 year commitment if they can prove that by leaving active duty they can serve in another important recruiting role. This new policy is aimed at athletes who would otherwise have no chance at a professional sports career if they were forced to serve their entire 5 year obligation. (Thus making them a 27 year old rookie and perceived to be too old to invest time in by a profesional sports league.) Only one person has had their application accepted and his story can be found here. There are other stipulations in this policy which I encourage you to read in the story above.


Anonymous said...

Ever hear of DAvid Robinson, NBA?

CRCHAIR said...

Actually, David Robinson was dismissed early from his Navy requirments partially becuase they just couldn't figure out where to assign someone ho was 7-1.

Sean said...

I think this is a great idea. I didn't see if it extends to the other acadamies, but it should. The military needs some good recruters that can present a positive face for it. I hope more people get accepted to the program.